Across Brazil & Uruguay

I’m now in Buenos Aires, recovering from yet another fall off the bike. My rear brakes failed as I approached a corner, on gravel, and I fell heavily on my right side. I’ve had x-rays done, nothing broken, but I’m taking a few days to let things heal before I return to the road.

Here’s a little update on how I got here:


I spent several days riding with a group of motorcyclists from Witmarsum Colony, near Curitba. Here we’re getting ready to hit the road, heading south.


The first day had intermittent rain, which means getting in and out of your rain gear throughout the day. That’s easier said than done for some.


A bit of route planning, the old fashioned way. I also don’t carry a GPS (only the one on my iPad).


I spent several days on the beach in Southern Brazil, near Porto Alegre. The area has a series of lagoons, separated from the sea by a narrow, sandy isthmus. I camped along the shores of the sea and lagoon and took two days to drive the stretch, which I found very beautiful.








At the south end the lagoons open to the sea, so I had to take a ferry to Rio Grande, and from there cut back inland.


I was struck by the wide open beauty of Uruguay. It reminded me a lot of when I drove motorcycle across Inner Mongolia in 2010.


Sometimes it is neccassary to stop to read the signs…


Fishermen working on the shores of the South Atlantic in Uruguay.


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