2 thoughts on “SCMP story on Costa Rican turtles

  1. Hi, Cameron,
    It has been great follow you at intervals in your extensive travels. Sorry about that accident in Brazil but so glad you came out of it as well as you did.
    I used to know a fellow in Buenos Aries by the name of Hans Brun. His address was Fray C.Rodriguiz, 1344, 1605 Villa Adelina in Buenos Aries Ph. No. 011 -541-765-8964. He had a tinsmith shop and went to a Mennonite church. Also there is an extensive Old Colony settlement in the area around Gutrache several hours from Buenos Aries. This all stems back about 25 years so things may well have changed a lot
    Happy Moto-Motoring and safe travel,
    Menno Kroeker

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