Mexico City

I pulled into town on Thursday and met up with Victoria Burrows. She’s a good friend of mine from Hong Kong. She now lives in New Delhi, where she’s been learning to ride a motorbike. Now she’s setting off on a 4000-5000km ride from Mexico to Panama. Brave girl.

Setting off from Gary and Yvonne's "motorbike hostel" in Mexico City. Photo by Victoria Burrows

It’s been a hectic week. I left Manitoba Colony on Monday around noon. Thanks to my new friends there, Johan, Corny, Benny, Leonard, Jacob and Ralph. And a very special thanks to Bram Siemens for introducing them to me and letting me sleep at his radio/newspaper office.

I rode the 2000km to Mexico City in two and a half days. Hard riding. I had one lovely afternoon and evening in Zacataces, a very cool little city. Mexico City totally surprised me. I expected it to be choked with car exhaust, dirty, nuts, ugly. Instead it has stunning architecture, great restaurants and bars, lovely historical sites, shaded streets…I wish I had longer here.

We’re staying with Gary and Yvonne, a lovely Brit/Mex couple who have taken in about 80 riders over the years. Vic found them on a web forum, Gary helped her buy the bike (Yamaha 250) and get it ready for this trip.

Gary, Yvonne, Victoria and I. Photo by Victoria

They took us to a great taco place last night. The best tacos in the world. Ate them hiding from the rain, under a tarp. Standing in puddles. Main structure of the kitchen/restaurant was the guard railing of a road. In the parking lot of a Starbucks/Blockbuster Video/Dominos Pizza. I woke up this morning thinking of them.

I’ll try to fill in this post with more details and photos in the next day or two, but I’m an hour away from roaring away with Victoria. We’re off to see the pyramids and then south. She’s mad nervous about riding her bike, I’m nervous for her. Somehow we’ll make it work.

2 thoughts on “Mexico City

  1. Hi, Cameron,
    We were gone for a week and so I did not follow your progress during that time. Amazed that you covered the distance to Mexico Citry in so short a time. Glad to hear that you had a good time in the Mennonite colinies at Cuahtemoc. I would guess that you know Bram Siemens from the time he spent in the Riverton area quite a few years ago.
    Happy motoring and I hope you encounter some more contacts along the way. God bless and protect you. We pray for you.
    Menno Kroeker

  2. I was just talking to your dad and my Mom, and I read them some recent posts. They were happy you’re through that awful road to Oaxaca; Mom knows how bad it is! She was wondering if you met any of her relatives when you were around Cuahtemoc; I’m guessing it’s impossible to know. It’s highly probable – it’s her hometown. Anyway, they’re finally getting their internet hooked up on Thursday, and they’re quite excited to be able to follow your progress!

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